Anorak’s OASIS podcast episode 15

New Episode is up. We talk about some great comics this time around. Also, we discuss the new tech from Nvidia and great news about the DRM problem with Xbox One. Everyone Head on over to and check it out. you can also download us on itunes or zune. We hope you enjoy the show. Be sure to comment so we know if you all are enjoying it. If you’d like to see us change a few things let us know, or even if you want our opinion on something. Also comment here to tell us what your top 5 favorite Disney movies are. We’re looking forward to hearing from you all.


Jeff AKA Mysteriohunter

E3: The ultimate breakdown

WP_20130611_001Welcome to my breakdown of E3. Sorry it took so long for me to get this out to you all. It was just announced that the Xbox One is now going to have no policies to keep you from trading games. You can now trade games, sell games, rent games, and gift games. Also, the system will be regen free. Which means any country on your system. Also, the 24 hour connected to the internet is now gone as well. You can play offline games, well offline. Basically what they have said is everything the Xbox 360 is, is going to be exactly how the Xbox One is now.  WP_20130611_006 On the down side we lose our cloud library and our 10 member family share program.

I had the chance to play both systems this week. WP_20130612_004Now I do have good to say about PS4 as well. Such as it seems they fixed the problem I had with their controller. It feels much more substantial now and doesn’t feel like cheap plastic, but with that said, I only played it for about 15 minutes and it froze up two times(much like their E3 conference). Now this may be due to the game I was playing (Blacklight: Retribution) but considering it did the same thing on two separate games on the conferance I think perhaps there is something more to it. Now I also noticed it didn’t take long for me to try out the PS4, people just didn’t play long and moved on to do something else. I’m not sure that’s a good sign. Maybe others had the same problem with it freezing on them and just gave up and left. Over all I wasn’t all that impressed with the PS4. It lacked decent games in my opinion. Killzone is alright, just not a game I would buy a PS4 over. Same with Infamous: Second Son. Both are most likely the best PS4 has to offer, but is it enough?  The entire time I was there I overheard people saying they were mad about Microsoft’s shit, but they would still get an Xbox One due to the games it has. Granted I keep hearing it’s all over for Xbox and PS4 won, but I don’t think that’s even close to being true. Not to say yet that Xbox will beat Sony. Both booths were packed so full you could barely make it through, but in regards to the booths Microsoft had a much better presentation. Whereas Sony had their games on some very low-end looking tv’s. I know for a fact that ‘Last of Us’ is a much better looking game then how it looked at E3.

Now On to the Xbox One. I had a chance to play Project spark. First and foremost, incredible, the game ran flawless and does what it’s supposed to. It reminded me a bit of an old game called “Game Maker” that I used to love on PC and Playstation. Except for the fact that everything ran so great. I’ll get in more on this a bit later. For now let’s discuss the machine. One big complaint about the X1 is the fact that it’s “So Huge”. In all honesty it was about the same size as the PS4. I think perhaps the PS4 was slightly thinner but over all both machines even look-alike. The controller as stated in a previous article on the blog feels much better. The embedded battery makes a huge difference. I didn’t get a good chance to test the trigger vibrations due to the game that I was playing wasn’t the type of game to really use that feature much. It also seems that the type of system it is and the fact that the technology is far more advanced has brought in a lot of new people to the system. Not only was J.J. Abrams and Spielberg playing the new Xbox One and enjoying it, but they brought people in from the audience to put the new kinect through the ringer. It seemed that the crowd was loving it. It seemed to react instantly to each movement. Also reacting to how hard you punch and showing how much force was used and what parts of your muscles were used. Making excercise games much better and keying what parts of your bodies are being worked on.


The recent rumors that anonymously caught the Xbox One crashing to Windows 7 which means they must have been running them on PC’s and not the Xbox One aren’t entirely true. Turns out the original dev kits for the Xbox One had Windows 7 on them. The game devs show the games they created on the dev kits they have with them. This is why one of them crashed to Windows 7. So the rumors that Microsoft has no faith in their system and had none of the games running on them is really a bit of a stretch. I and numerous others have reported playing the Xbox. Seeing the on system and holding the controller.

I got a chance to play a lot of great games and some I wasn’t very impressed with. I’m going to post each one and what I thought about them because E3 is more about the games than anything else.

WP_20130611_037Project Sparks (xbox one/pc) (buy)

This was an incredible game that like mentioned earlier in the article seemed much more along the lines of maybe Fable crossed with “Game Maker” from back in the day, but it ran very smoothly. Each tool gives you the ability to change ‘your’ world. To the point simply with one to two button clicks you can change your tool from building mountains to rivers, or adding more trees. Even choosing the size of the trees.  The game ran so fluently and perfect. It never slowed or glitched. It honestly didn’t even act like it needed to think about anything. I found zero load times on the game. It moved in and out of the sections flawlessly. I was honestly rather impressed with how it ran.

WP_20130611_035Ryse: Son of Rome (Xbox One) (buy)

So Ryse: Son of Rome, a game I more so got to watch and finally got tired of waiting so moved on, but the game looked beautiful. There was so much going on at all times I was surprised to find no lag at all. The abilities and cut scenes were so bloody and graphic and gameplay I’ve seen in a while.  The story seems pretty cool of what I could see. I’m hoping to have a bit more on the gameplay later

WP_20130611_034Dragon’s Crown (PSN) (Rent)

Alright then. Dragon’s Crown is a side scroller 4 player game that was very much like the Simpsons or TMNT arcade games feel to it.  You can choose between 5 different champions who run along hacking and slashing and trying to finish the level. This game looked like a lot of fun. The graphics had a very strange anime feel to them without actually being anime. Some of the characters seemed a bit more blocky than others, but that didn’t seem to effect the game itself. This is one I’d take a look at if you enjoy that style of gameplay.

WP_20130611_033 Payday 2 (xbox 360, pc, ps3) (Rent)

Payday 2 is a game much like the first game. You play as a team who goes around robbing banks. The original game was amazing, as well as a lot of fun. This one they added better graphics and more options for gameplay. I sadly was not able to play this game, but I wanted to mention it because it is a big deal this year. I guess the original had a larger following then I had thought.

WP_20130611_031 Battlefield 4 (pc, 360, x1, ps3, ps4)(buy)

There is so much to say about this game. First off 64 players in a single map. Along with commander mode which gives you the ability to send players to certain places so your team has a bit more of a tactical advantage. It also allows you to call in strikes. The graphics looked incredible and the destruction was on a much larger scale this time around. Entire sky scrapers can be taken down. They also added ships. So now you can control the sky, land and sea. This might be one of the games I’m most looking forward to.

WP_20130611_022 A Realm Reborn: Final Fantasy XV (PC, PS3, PS4)(buy buy buy)

I believe this game is actually the MMO Final Fantasy 14, but has been remade and re-branded as Final Fantasy 15. This looked incredible. I’m told they changed a lot of the controls. Although I haven’t played 14 so this review will be a little lacking. I apologize and hope it’s a huge improvement for all the fans. It looked pretty good at E3, but didn’t have a lot of people playing it. So I’m not sure what the deal is with that. Perhaps just the fact that it was an old game with a new game. Like Halo 2….3…..4 well like all the Halos.

WP_20130611_020 Assassins Creed IV Black Flag (Most likely buy)

Although I didn’t have the chance to play the single player side of it, I did have a chance to play the multiplayer. Which when played correctly was a lot of fun. It was a game that you played as an assassin who made his way through a map with someone you were supposed to kill. Once you find him you have to take him out at which point other assassins can off your target or even you for extra points. The points adding up to who is in the lead. No teams just all out warfare.

WP_20130611_002 TitanFall (XBOX ONE, PC)(Definite Buy)

Quite possibly my game of the year. This game is a fast pace first person shooter game. Where you can climb in and out of mechs that seem to move just as fluent;y and fast as the humans. It seems that a lot of what I heard people wanted to play this game and thought it was worth it to even buy the evil, evil x1 for it. Sadly just to watch a presentation for this game was about a 3 hour wait and I ran out of time and wasn’t able to see it, but I’m greatly looking forward to it. Also, by the sounds of it Titanfall is going to be a progressive online game. Which is their way of saying it’s pretty much going to be an MMO. Me being an MMO fan, it makes me want to head out and buy it now.


Mad Max (PS4)(buy)

Despite the 3-4 minute load screens in this game it looked like a lot of fun. The customization of the cars was really nice and it seemed as though the shooting mechanics were great. The game looked incredible visually. Especially when Max drew the sniper gun. They really pushed us to focus on the suspension of the cars as they drove over different parts of the terrain. I think this may be one game to keep your sights on. Especially anyone who loves the movie.


Diablo 3 (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One)

I think there isn’t much to tell on this one. Obviously everyone has heard of the release of this game on consoles. Well they had it there to play and check out.  Looked good and personally would rather play it on console.


Forza 5 (Xbox One)

Visually stunning, The game ran smooth and added features where your friends who have done the same races can have bots in your games with the same style of racing that they do. It constantly learns from you and them. This opens up a lot of wonderful possibilities in terms of racing.


WP_20130611_041World Of Tanks (Xbox One)

Anyone who has had the privilege of playing this game on PC will be excited to see it on Xbox One. It ran flawlessly and I’m excited for it’s release. Let’s hope it’s one of those free games that you still buy stuff in game with.


Well everyone this is my review. There were more games there but I was unable to check them all out. If there is a game you’d like to know more about comment in this blog and I’ll tell you everything I know about it. I did play and watch a lot of the games there. I hope you enjoyed this and tell me if you liked it.


Jeff -aka Mysteriohunter

Movie review: Man of Steel

A few days ago we had the chance to go to a sneak peek early showing Man of Steel. It was amazing! We want to keep this review fairly spoiler free so it will be short and sweet. Neither of us have ever been a huge fan of Superman,  but this movie has completely changed that fact. I know some die hard fans were disappointed because there was in fact no mention at all of Krypotonite and they only briefly eluded to a possibility of there being a Fortress of Solitude out there somewhere. Let’s be fair though, we all know that there will be more movies and plenty of time for them to incorporate more aspects of the life of the hero you all love in the future. The visual effects in this movie were mind blowing, if you get the chance to see this in 3D do it! So to put it simply, killer effects, great story, amazing cast. Go see this movie!!

-Tiff(Evil Mech Meru) & Ben(lShadowDragonl)

Xbox One or PS4?

I for one thought they both showed amazing games that made me want to purchase them both. Xbox with Project Spark and Ryse: Son of Rome for example and PlayStation 4 with The Order 1886 and The Dark Sorcerer. They both had their issues and they both have good and bad on the game side and if I only went with that then I would want both, but, we all know that isn’t the only thing to consider.

PlayStation and Xbox went in total opposite directions on their policies, one thing we thought might happen, and I think only one kept the consumer or gamer in mind. Let’s start with the One console that wants to rule us all, Xbox. The concept of one device doing all isn’t new but Microsoft did a great job at giving the immersive feel to doing all with one, but then they went and told us you can’t do what you want to do with the high dollar stuff you just bought from us, but if you ask and only if you ask we will think about letting you do something with it. I feel the policy of having to be online every 24 hours isn’t bad, we all are doing it now right, but when I’m told I have to do it then it becomes a whole other beast. Now I no longer have freedom of choice either I skip the console all together because I don’t like the option or I suck it up and let the Megacorp tell me what to do. It seems Microsoft is doing what Sony did a few years back and they think they can do no wrong. I get their policy will put more money back into the devs pockets, maybe, and it could spurn more innovation from them because they are making that extra dollar, but what about Joe Sixpack? Where does he fall in this new policy? I would wager that prices will go up and the “participating” retailer will garner less trade-in value and higher resale price.

Now PlayStation, they did a proverbial slap in the face to Xbox when they stated their policies. No question about it they planned to do the opposite of whatever Big Mic was going to do and I think theirs were more for the gamer, or consumer. They seemed to remember their mistake on the PS3, higher price and taking longer to come out, and they didn’t want to ostracize anyone this time. Now I know they want us to pay $50/year to play online but with that you get PS+ and decent benefits, Xbox Live you get benefits as well. My thought is it’s a small price to pay to have the ability to do what I wanted with my games and not have to, even though I will, be connected at all if I chose. Yes you will lose the cloud computing but you will be able to play your games regardless.

Having the choice to me is big, it might give me a false sense, but I prefer that over knowing for sure that my hands are tied. My vote goes to PlayStation for keeping it for the gamers. Xbox I know will have a place in my entertainment center but it won’t be my first choice. Let’s hear some of your points of view on this.

-Jack aka Draccoburn

Edited: I was mistaken about the Xbox live price and I have changed the statement.

E3 reveals

Alright people so here we are, E3 reveals. This is just a very basic reveal. We’ll just be posting the names here. Keep an eye out though I’ll be playing as many as I can and posting pictures and videos of them on the blog as the week progress’

EA Reveal:

Plant’s Vs Zombies: Garden Warefare

Battlefield 4

Need For speed

Star Wars Battlefront 3

UFC ’14

Madden 25

NBA Live  ’14

FIFA ’14

Peggle 2

Xbox One:

Metal Gear Solid

World of Tanks

Max The Curse of the Brotherhood

Dark Souls 2

Ryse: Son of Rome

Killer Instinct

Sunset Overdrive

Forza 5

Minecraft: Xbox One Edition

Quantom Break


Project Spark

Deadrising 3

Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


Black Tusk?

Halo (New title)

Tom Clancy’s The Division (FPS MMO Survivial)

Xbox one to be released at $499

New Edition Xbox 360 available Today for $199


Rocksmith 2014 Edition

Splinter Cell: Blacklist

Rayman Legends

The Mighty Quest for Epic Loot

Southpark: The Stick of Truth

The Crew

Just Dance 2014

Rabbids Invasion tv show/game

Assassins Creed 4: Blackflag

Trials Fusion x1

Trials Frontier Mobile

The Division

Misc Reveals

The Bureau: Xcom Declassified

Playstation 4 Reveal:

Killzone: Shadowfall

Beyond 2 Souls

Batman: Origins

Grand Theft auto 5

The Order 1886

Infamous: Second Son


The Dark Sorcerer


Don’t Starve


Switch Blade Monkeys

Ray is Dead


Oddworld (Something)

Galak Z

Secret Panchos

Final Fantasy Versus XIII

Kingdom Hearts 3

Assassins Creed 4: Blackflag


NBA something

Elder Scrolls Online



PS4 to play movies and tv as well.

PS4 to be $399

Want to see what other crazy things we’re up to?

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and last but not least here is where you can listen to our great podcast at a low low price of free or on zune and itunes

Well everyone, tell us what you think. Like us or hate us? Want to see us do more of something? or perhaps less. We want to hear it.

Also if you have a band we want to play a song from your band at the end of our podcast. Just send it to our email with your band information so we can tell our fans where they can find your music and who did it.

Jeff -aka mysteriohunter

Just plain fun is all.


Jeff and Jack like to debate each other, it’s all in fun and is done with a light heart. They are both opinionated, as you can see and try to ruffle each others feathers as much as possible. So everyone give them both a good, solid, swift kick in the groin and tell them both to STFU. -This is Jack aka Draccoburn and I approve this message.

PS- Jeff please take note of the picture, ummmmmmm, nough said, good day. 😛

Brutal and blunt? Well I guess I have a different definition.


My Co-Host definitely had a well thought out speech, but it’s the same one he has said some many time. Why is Skype such a big deal for the Xbox One? All of us can get it on every mobile device we own, not to mention on our PC’s. Also, Skype to Skype calls are free but Skype to any other phone is not and you can’t use Skype to call 911. So what benefit is it now? Well Microsoft will get everyone on Skype that buys their new console then say “Oh yeah if you would have read the fine print no 911 calls and if you want to call something other than another Skype account you will be charged or you can buy a monthly plan”. Yet another subscription.

Hypervisor technology is yet another gimmick, remember hyperthreading, same thing different name. So Microsoft has to make their technology seem like it’s more than what it is, for this matter more items the CPU is processing the power need along with the more resources need. Current PC’s use HV or HT now and people get so many things running in the background their PC bogs down. So fanfare for new old tech, I think not. Then emulators for old games, Microsoft has already shown that if they tell you you can’t do something on their equipment and they find out you did then expect to be banned from Xbox Live permanently. What I am saying is if they say “We wouldn’t suggest it” don’t be surprised if they react to you doing it any way.

Always on I don’t think is the issue, it’s if you don’t have it connected then you’ll lose some aspect of your game that you paid $60+ for. If I’m putting out $300+ for a console and $60+ for games I better be able to have the full experience on or off the internet plain and simple. Also DirecTv does do one thing good, they get their viewers riled up. Look at the Disney subsidiaries that went off the air for a while, these are tactics that help them get a better price nothing more. Also the exclusivity contract ends at the end of the 2014 season but the NFL ticket contract runs out in 2015, but I got off point.

This “new” controller is nothing but a fancy new skinned old controller. How can we make the controller better, well lets add more motors so we can vibrate your finger tips and move the buttons up and change their name but have them do the same thing as they did before. There was a lot of smoke and fire said about how fantastic this controller is going to be, but in the end no matter how you spin it if something weighs 1 pound then you’ll be holding 1 pound. I’m not saying the controller weighs that much, but even a few grams can make your hand tire quicker. Also adding more moving parts requires more power and do you think that your controller will last on your 6-8 hour marathon in Battlefield 4 just so you can vibrate your finger tip, I don’t think so. As a matter of fact I think most will turn this off after a time because the batteries won’t last long with it on.

Microsoft’s Azure Cloud Computing Platform (MSACCP) could be a great and fantastic break through in computing as well as gaming, but this is Microsoft and I’ll bet there will be money associated with it some how, Yet another subscription. Pay more and you’ll do be able to do more. Also where is all this bandwidth coming from that will allow users to use this successfully, oh yeah from the user if your internet connection sucks then guess what, so will MSACCP this is simple fact. Microsoft can’t fix that unless they take it upon themselves to upgrade internet service to all of America, which I doubt.

The accessibility of you games any and everywhere was toted by Sony even before this next-gen reveal. So unless this becomes cross-platform and not just Windows products only I don’t see the hoopla about it. Also Microsoft had to save face this time around and not do the HD DVD is the best type of stunt, can have an all in one device without a disk player.

It’s not that Microsoft won’t allow indie games, it’s that they will make it difficult for the publishers if they don’t go through Microsoft Game Studios or their approved third-party publisher.  It’s good being king right? Indie games have grown tremendously and Microsoft wants to control them, because they might just do something innovative. As Jefferson has said we’ll have to see.

My Co-host and I agree somewhat on this subject, but here’s where we differ. It won’t matter if system A gets you money on the resell of used games if those games and system are under selling. The console that sells the most and thus gets the most games bought will probably decide how used games will be handled no matter what.  So Microsoft’s system gets the devs more cash, nothing wrong with that, but Sony sells more consoles and games and says we are leaving the used games as is, no change. Well devs will go where the money is even if it means we don’t get that extra on used resells, but this remains to be seen. I think the resale of used games should have a tie-back to the publishers and devs, so we’ll see.

In summation I think Xbox One, as I said before, should have pulled out all the stops and given more on their reveal. Yeah we saw what the Kinect can do, you can watch TV, play games, keep up on your fantasy sport and yes even order pizza but what about showing us the power behind the box. When people said they didn’t show any games they really were saying show me how the games will look on this console too. They wanted to see rendering power. Sony showed it and their updated controller. We may not have full specs on the PS4 but we know it can create beautiful renderings. So like or love either of these new systems E3 will be the place to see them both shine or bite it.

-Jack aka Draccoburn

P.S. Just what a minute and Jeff will upload another solo podcast hiding his tears behind fanfare. We love you Jeff just don’t be so sad this time that I was right and you were wrong.

What do you all think? This is your chance to tell us.

Now that we’ve both expressed our sides to why we like or dislike Xbox One. We’d like to hear your side. So let’s hear some comments and who knows maybe you, the fans will change one of our minds. We’re looking forward to reading it. Despite my attitude toward the PS4, when they actually show something for it, it may blow the Xbox One away. So come on everyone. Tell us what you think.

-Jeff AKA mysteriohunter